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Woodland Light and Shadow Series - TWO SOLD

Woodland Light and Shadow Series - TWO SOLD

By Alison Vickery


Original artworks

Mixed media and acrylic on panel


In order as above:


Bluebell Walk - £725

Image size: H: 50cm x W: 50cm


Carpet of Blue - £445 - SOLD

Image size: H:30cm x W: 30cm


Spring Spotlight - £745

Image size: H: 50cm x W: 50cm


Light Dances - £445 - SOLD

Image size: H:30cm x W: 30cm


Alison likes to catch light, colour and a sense of place. Her acrylic work on board is developed, in her studio, from sketches and reference paintings created on location.

"Spending time in situ it is a particular moment, feeling or atmosphere I am trying to capture; perhaps how the light has suddenly lit up a scene and the colour, or the unstoppable avalanche of colour, light and texture as Spring arrives. We live in such beautiful countryside you just want to capture it to share."

She builds these pieces with lots of layers, putting paint on, rubbing it back, enjoying the process and the paint, creating a rich textured quality.


Here's what she says of each one:


Bluebell Walk - "This is a little bit of woodland near Rodmarton where I often sketch. I like the path running through it. I hope to make the observer feel they want to walk into the painting."

Carpet of Blue - "This is Randwick Woods, lovely at any time of year but just stunning at bluebell time, with the light filtering through the bright green beech trees."


Spring Spotlight - "I love seeing the light filtering through trees, highlighting the silhouettes. This scene was particularly special with the defined tree shapes and light spotlighting the flowers in front."

Light Dances - "In the spring, when the first flush of cow parsley appears, my walk up to the common near my home is very special:  it's  like a waterfall and, when the light hits it, is just stunning."

She finds the subjects for her art by just getting out and looking. It could be on an specific art trip or simply a walk, a cycle or just going out on an errand.


"I see a particular field where the colours are just amazing, the light hitting a few remaining gold leaves or a sense of still calm by the canal. I go back to these places with a few of my many sketch books. I like to work quickly so take a selection so that, while one sketch is drying, I can start using another."


    Alison works in a range of media, continually experimenting and developing new techniques and creating lively paintings which capture the essence of her subject.


    She is particularly interested in light and colour. Her work starts with a response to what inspires her in one of her sketch books. The Cotswolds, where she lives, and the coast are particular favourites.


    She studied graphic design and illustration in London in the 80's, followed by a successful career in design and illustration. Since 1994, she has concentrated on her passion for drawing and painting and worked on many commissions for, amongst others, the National Trust and John Lewis.


    Many of her paintings and designs are published under licence. Her work sells worldwide and is in many private collections.


    Cotswold Life magazine showcased Alison’s work in 2022. She was featured in The Artist magazine in 2021.

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